REGIONAL BIO ENERGY LABORATORY INC. Proposes a new renewable energy.

Our Mission

We help to make the environment better.

Putting the brakes on global warming. We have a mission and goal to contribute to local communities
in the form of renewable energy by harnessing the hidden energy in each region of Japan and the world that is not fully utilized.

Our target is to carbonize the organic matter generated by food factories, such as food leftovers,
expired food, and other organic matter discarded for other reasons for disposal, within the communities in which
we live and work, and generate electricity from the carbide (Bio-Caol).
The power is then utilized in the community.

The technical features include the use of HTC reactors (Hydrothermal Carbonization) to maintain high temperatures and
pressures for a certain amount of time to efficiently make Bio-Coal.

By the end of 2020 fiscal year, we will repeat basic experiments to verify the amount of energy and mass production technology.
After that, we will move on to the production of the demonstration facility,
and we want to achieve commercial operation as soon as possible.

From the Laboratory

We attempted to carbonize various raw materials by modifying our small experimental equipment over and over again,
and were able to obtain 18-26 MJ as a calorific value. Incidentally, coal and pea coal have 22.5 MJ and 26.3 MJ,
respectively, so we think we have enough impact in terms of calorific value.

For example, make from something like this.


This is carbides.

It's called Bio-Coal because it resembles coal.
This Bio-Coal is used to generate combustible gas in a gasification furnace,
which is then used as fuel to run a diesel generator to generate electricity.

About Us

Company name Regional Bio Energy Laboratory Inc.
Address 2012 Hatai, Kazo, Saitama 349-1132 Japan
President Raijiro Iijima
Established July 8, 2019
Capital 20 million yen
Corporate number 4030001131944


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> Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Regional Bio Energy Laboratory Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") complies with the laws and other related laws concerning the protection of personal information about personal information deposited from customers in conducting business activities, and takes safety measures, etc. We will properly protect and manage and observe the following matters.

About the definition of personal information

We define information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address etc that can identify your individual as personal information.

About the range of use of personal information

We will use the personal information provided to you within the range of purpose indicated to you.

About acquiring personal information

When acquiring your personal information, we will inform you of the purpose of acquisition in advance and obtain minimum necessary personal information.

Disclosure of personal information

Personal information acquired from customers will not be disclosed to third parties. However, if the following conditions are satisfied, information may be disclosed within the necessary minimum range.

  1. In case of customer's consent regarding information disclosure.
  2. Based on laws and ordinances
  3. In cases where disclosure of information is necessary to our outsourcer who has concluded a confidentiality agreement with us sbeforehand in order to carry out the services our company provides to customers.
  4. When it is necessary to cooperate with the government, local governments or persons entrusted with them to carry out the affairs prescribed by laws and ordinances

Management of personal information

The person in charge of management will strictly manage and supervise the acquired personal information. In addition, we will take necessary measures as necessary to prevent the leakage, loss, falsification of personal information.

Correction, deletion and browsing of personal information

We will promptly disclose information to customers about personal information acquired by us if there is a request from the customer for disclosure regarding the contents. However, if you can not verify your identity, if it causes serious obstacles to our business, that is not the case. In addition, we will promptly amend / delete the request, if customer requests modification / deletion concerning personal information, on condition that we meet the criteria defined by us.

About access analysis

For better service provision, we use access analysis to collect statistics information of web pages. By access analysis, we do not collect customer's personal information.

Regulatory compliance

Regarding the management of personal information, we will comply with the prescribed laws and regulations. If there is a revision of laws or regulations in the future, we will modify the above items according to its contents.